Monday, December 4, 2017

Dec 5 - Grandpa Murray Memory

Dec. 5- Share on blog, Facebook or Instagram, etc. something you remember about Grandpa Murray.

Please make sure you post them here, but put them on Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat etc.!!

Before anyone else shares their memory of Grandpa Murray.  I was in primary on Sunday and they had the kids dress up in costumes for the Nativity.  One of the kids put on the sheep's hat and I couldn't help but laugh, remembering when we talked Grandpa into wearing it for the Nativity we put on for the Leishman Family Party.  Everyone was laughing so hard, I don't know how we talked him into it...

I'll try to post a picture if I can find it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to get this one in there before someone else does... especially now that Rena is not here to glare at me for writing it :) When Jason and Konie got engaged, we were at the house when Rena called Nolan/Lori with the engagement news. The first thing Rena said was "there's a new ring in our family", to which John immediately responded (partly under his breath, but not really) "Yeah, the one in my nose". Rena heard it and was not amused... but the rest of us sure were :)

  3. I was thinking of the nativity one as well but was maybe going to save it for the Christmas memory day. I remember being his TV remote prior to having an TV with a remote - yes the first TV's did not have remotes and also for you youngsters they were not in color either. I remember although he was busy with his full time job and farming he would take the time to play catch or go to my sporting events. He would of course always make some comments after about playing like a girl but that was ok because I knew it was true.

  4. Jaxon was just a little 2 1/2 year old boy when grandpa passed. Sadly he doesn't remember him. Hopefully all you other grandkids will share your memories so he can know more of him.
    This is a memory I have of Jaxon with grandpa. When he was 4 or 5 we couldn't find him for a minute. He was happily playing with the toys over at Rena's. She wasn't home. We told him he needed to tell us when he come over and that he couldn't be there by himself. He adamantly told us he wasn't there alone - Grandpa Murray was tending him..... most likely he was smile emoticon:) #JohnandRenaMurrayFamily #lighttheworld

    (It wont let me post the photo)

  5. To me John was a very quiet man. I came into the family later in his life. He was usually sitting in his chair watching. He would give a little chuckle as things were said. Family was important to him and Rena. Even up to his last days he attended every thing he could and Rena always had him looking his best.
    My picture is of Ashlee's 5th Birthday. (John isn't in it, he would be on the side in his chair)I am taking it from the front room on purpose! We had planned to have cake at Rena's for her party. A few days before John had received radiation "seeds" for the treatment of his prostate cancer. Nedra had gone with them and had called to "let us know" that the only restriction was to keep pregnant women several feet away and maybe I could be that person..... I had just found out I was pregnant with Abbie. Only like 8 WEEKS! So much for keeping that secret to ourselves and Jason got to take care of the cake! (Most likely one of his sisters that did it for him) #JohnandRenaMurrayFamily #lighttheworld

  6. From John's Sister Shirlee Teeples
    John Murray...the ”gentle giant" wether milking cows, hauling hay or working in the sugar beet fields, never yelling or hurrying...practicing his pitching, playing ball was a family affair 😍 loyal to his friends...A Great Brother

  7. The thing i remember most about grandpa is nothing big, but every time we would walk into his house he would say “well there’s jenalee (or other names)” with his cute grin, from his chair. Every. Time. And ofcourse going to all our softball games!

  8. Murray Family Light the World Day 5– I don’t remember a lot about Grandpa Murray but what I do remember is having roasting hot dogs and having an Easter egg hunt every year on Easter! That is one memory I will never forget! #johnandrenamurrayfamily #lighttheworld

  9. RaAnn, Jen and I were visiting John at the nursing home, we were all sitting around watching I believe a Hallmark movie. The nurse came in and told him she needed to change his clothes and asked if that was ok, John replies, “only if you were my wife”. We all got a good laugh and even though the nurse wasn’t his wife he agreed to letting her change his clothes.

  10. My memory is a lot like Jen's. The thing I remember most about Grandpa was when we would go to his house every Sunday and when i would walk in he would say "well there's Rach" while he was in his chair with a John Wayne movie on in the background and with his perfectly combed hair.

  11. Murray Family Light the World day 5! My favorite memories from my grandpa are 1- I always remember him having a bowl of popcorn on Sunday night! And not bagged popcorn, it came from the popcorn maker! Maybe this is where I got my love for popcorn because I could eat it every day!�� And of course Pepsi...never did I go to my grandparents house without there being a Pepsi there. And 2- he was always so supportive of everything us grandkids did, with school and sports! We could always count on him being there!! Miss you grandpa��

  12. Murray Family Light the World
    Day 5 - Share on the blog/FB/etc something you remember about Grandpa Murray
    I didn't have many years with Grandpa. I was in kindergarten when he passed. I remember singing at his funeral. I remember that he always sat in the white rocking chair and always had his suspenders on.
    This is a video of me helping him blow out his 80 birthday candles. Go to FB to watch it #johnandrenamurrayfamily #lighttheworld

  13. My Dad was a hard worker and we never went without
    He would never say much but if the boot came out you knew to run and hide - he would throw the boot (just ask Sue) at ya when ya was being naughty ��

  14. Bob went fishing with dad and Darrell Bradshaw. Sitting on bucket listening to dad's stories. He could tell so.e good stories. Dad was always glad to see Bob on the weekends when he had to milk instead of the girls.

  15. I remember that in the olden days the bull that was breeding the cows stayed in the corral with the cows. The bull decided to come in the barn while we were milking the cows. Dad got a pitch fork and hit that bull in the back to get him to leave, I thought the bull was going to come back at dad. It was scary. Remember the tall off white Tupperware with the burnt hole around the edge stuffed with a paper towel so the butter wouldn't leak out when he ate his popcorn (kilee) on Sunday night. He would lay on the floor and sleep until he left for his graveyard shift around 10 working in slc/Ogden.

  16. I don’t have many specific memories of Grandpa, but I remember how he and grandma would drive up to Idaho occasionally to see my sisters play ball and how he would always sit in his chair with us all gathered around. Miss you Grandpa!

  17. He loved his radish sandwich.
    Denise remembers watching matlock the price is right every day. She thinks the eggs cooked in bacon grease and toast only happened on tuesday Raann thought it was every day. Denise remwmbers grandpa letting her drive the wwhite truck in the field while unloading leaves. She remembers getting the fresh milk from the barn.

  18. Couple memories of Grandpa, I got the opportunity to go fishing with grandpa at chesterfield reservoir in Idaho a couple of times. Great time hearing his stories and using his famous powerbait. We fished many lakes in Idaho never using a boat always sitting on the bank telling stories or ice fishing. My favorite memories were trapping raccoons in his huge garden, protecting the corn. We always got to use grandpa’s .22 pistol (may sound gruesome) but we never shot them from far away. “Don’t want to waste any bullets shelby” grandpa would say.... we would walk up and put the .22 pistol in the cage with the raccoon and let them bite it before grandpa would shoot. (Grandma was not a fan) great times and will always remember that.

  19. Some of my best memories of Grandpa involve the barn. Grandma and I would go down to the barn in the mornings to get fresh milk and I would always see Gramps in there milking. Later on he would come up and have his dippy eggs cooked in bacon grease. He would always let me have a bite!
    Grandpa always had the tv on and I was his channel changer. Once he did have a remote you never took it out of his hand.
    I remember during hay hauling season Grandpa, after putting all the hay in the barn, would let us ride the hay escalator up and down. We had to beg a lot and he might have only agreed to one time but when he wasn't around we would ride it more. He never got too mad.
    I loved that Grandpa was always around. He was usually quiet but when he did speak there was often a dry humor.

  20. One of my memories of dad is one night Ger and I were at mom and dad's and he started talking about the Korean War. I have never heard some of the stories that he was telling us. It was like the flood gates had opened. He talked for probably over an hour about some of his experiences. I have never heard any more about them since. I wish we would have written them down right after he had told us. I can't remember them now. But I am so thankful for his service to his country. Someday maybe I will ask him to tell me again.

  21. Murray Family Light the World Day 5- My memories I want to share of my Grandpa Murray: • Pitching against my fence in the backyard and having him come give me pointers and telling me stories about his fastpitch days.⚾ •Teaching me the art of putting chips on your sandwichπŸ₯”πŸ₯™ (so good!) • Changing the irrigation and letting me play in the ditch. •Suspenders!! Can't see them without thinking of him! I love you grandpa and thank you for watching over us! πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ #murraylighttheworld #murrayfam #ilovemygramps

  22. Karen Lyle
    December 5, 2017 ·

    We took a train ride to the Grand canyon and I think it was the only train ride he took even though he worked on them. It was a great trip with the Larsens and the Binghams. We had a lot of fun and dad said he was glad he did it.
