Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dec 20 - Share a blessing

Dec. 20- Share a blessing you are grateful for on Facebook, a blog, etc.

I'm grateful for my family they are always there to support me and help me in anyway I need.


  1. Janice Murray Nelson
    December 20 at 11:06pm · Add Topics
    I am thankful for the gospel in my life and for the knowledge I have of that families can be together forever.


  2. Crystal Lyle-Soderquist
    December 20 at 11:00pm · Add Topics
    I am grateful for Christ and the Atonement because that means I don't have to know everything, I don't have to be perfect, I can try and fail and it's okay- it doesn't take anything away from me, only adds to my experience. He made a way to make it back. I'm grateful for Angels that watch over us and I'm grateful for family and friends. Love you all!


  3. Haley Murray Crane
    December 20 at 10:48pm · Add Topics
    I am grateful for modern medicine that, despite the pain I experience, I am able to still be here on earth surrounded by a supportive family.


  4. Kilee Lindley Nilsson
    December 20 at 9:36pm · Add Topics
    I'm grateful for a job that keeps me busy, on my toes, and a job that reminds me that I am beyond blessed with things others don't have!! And tonight specifically I am grateful for Danni Lyle and her cute kids for helping me with my secret Christmas mission:)


  5. Karen Lyle
    December 20 at 8:38pm · Add Topics
    After having about 7 different operations within our family this year, I am very grateful for health. I am feeling very blessed to have my health and be able to enjoy life. Even though I still can't see out of my left eye, I am grateful for sight and still pray that God will bless me.
